10100 Santa Monica is equipped with one (1) freight elevator, which services all floors. Any pick-ups or deliveries that require exclusive use of the freight elevator must be scheduled with the Property Management Office for after hours or weekends. This includes large deliveries of equipment and furniture.
The dimensions of the freight elevator are as follows:
- Platform Size: 5’6” x 7’x5”
- Dimensions of Door Opening: 4’4” x 8’
- Elevator Speed: 500 feet per minute
- Maximum Weight: 5,000 lbs./ 33 persons
The loading dock for 10100 Santa Monica is located in the tower garage off Santa Monica Boulevard and is staffed Monday through Friday from 7:00am to 3:00pm. There is a thirty (30) minute limit for parking in the loading dock. All major deliveries must be scheduled after hours with the Property Management Office. Please contact the Security Console for assistance via the intercom system located at the gate, if you wish to enter the loading dock after hours.
The loading dock has a 13'8" clearance and access to the garage from the loading dock has a 7’6’’ clearance.